Monday, June 14, 2010

I Finally Found Time

One of these days I may be able to blog more regularly, so I'm sorry to anyone who actually looks at my blog for being so boring! I promise in our day to day lives we are not boring, just supper busy. But I think things are finally calming down and we can just relax a little. Since March we have had several out of town trips (Hot Springs, Austin, Destin), 3 weddings, multiple showers, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Birthday parties. Now our calendar looks very empty and that feels great. I'm ready to just spend some time at home.

Here are a few of this years bluebonnet pictures. I actually managed to get a couple cute shots even though neither kid wanted to cooperate!

Dylan celebrated her 4th Birthday in May. We had her Hello Kitty party at home with family and friends. The kids had a great time playing in the kid size pool and slip-n-slid. Very refreshing on a warm May day. She had so much fun she is already planning her next Birthday party.

Here are a couple pictures taken at Tami and Heath's rehearsal dinner.

Here is Dylan right before the wedding. I can't believe how grown up she looks. She was suppose to be the flower girl in the wedding but got cold feet right before she was suppose to walk down the isle. The wedding was beautiful and everyone had a great time.
Miles is already 8 months old. He is weighing around 20lbs, has 4 teeth and eats solids once a day. He crawls everywhere, pulls up on everything and keeps us all on our toes. I had to jump out of the shower 5 times last night to keep him either out of something he shouldn't be in or keep him off the step to the bathtub. Dylan is starting to learn if she doesn't want Miles to play with her toys she has to keep them in her room or up really high.
Despite how busy we have been we are having a great summer. I'm enjoying every moment I can with these two precious kids because they are growing up so fast. Abe and I are so blessed.


Alvaro Salinas Jr said...

Great pics - great family

Toni Nash said... keeping up with your blog and seeing the pictures of your sweet kiddos. They are growing so much!