Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, Christmas has come and gone again this year. Is it just me or does it seem to go by faster every year? We had a wonderful Christmas or should I say a wonderful 6 Christmas's. Yes, you read right. I have to be honest; as wonderful as it was to get to see everyone I am so glad it is over. It is not easy traveling back and forth with an infant. Next year will be much easier.

We started our celebration the weekend before at Grandad and Ann's house in Kemp. Grandad's brother, Scotty, joined us this year. It was nice to see Randy and Emmy. Emmy was in wonderful spirits, having just started her chemotherapy the day before. Of course, my dad and Joy were there and Tami and Health made it in from Houston just as we all sat down for our traditional lobster dinner. Yummy! I can't believe I did not take any pictures. I love taking pictures of food.

After filling our bellies with food and wine we drove to Dad's house to open presents. It was a little rushed but after all it was late and I had to get the kids to bed. Dad ended up getting me a Belgian waffle maker. I took that as a hint that he would like his back!

We spent the night at Maw Maw's and had Christmas with my mom, Tommy, Maw Maw, Tami and Heath the next day.

Despite the fact that it was snowing and the weather reports were not very promising for the Denton area, on Christmas Eve we loaded up again and drove to Kaufman to see more of my family. We met everyone at the Catholic church's center in Terrell were we mingled with family we have not seen in a year, ate, drank and ate some more. We didn't stay too long because I was anxious to get back home due to the weather. It took us two hours to get home (it normally takes only an hour) and two crying kids nearly the entire way!
The week before Christmas, Dylan and I made reindeer cookies. She is very proud of hers!

Christmas day we were able to spend at home. My mom and Maw Maw came over to hang out and bring food. It was a very nice relaxing day.

Abe and Dylan played in the snow Christmas morning.

The next day we traveled once again to Kaufman to see Abe's family. We hung out most of the day with them, spent the night and had our official Christmas celebration with all the Rodriguez's on Sunday morning. David cooked omelets. Raquel coordinated a "white elephant" gift exchange for the kids. It has been so much fun watching this family grow. When Abe and I first started dating there were no grandkids. Now there are 15!
And that brought our Christmas festivities to an end. What a busy fun filled year. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vegan Cookies

I came across an amazing vegan cookie recipe in my Vegetarian Times magazine the other day. Dylan and I had fun baking the cookies together. (Recipe to follow at the end.)

So here is the final product. The color was a little off but they still tasted great. What happened was, in step 4, you need to let the dough cool for 10 minutes. Well, 10 minutes was not long enough and when we folded in the chocolate chips they melted.
I would like to try this recipe again, omitting the chocolate chips and maybe adding raisins in their place.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Miles's Birth Story

On October 14th at 5:30am my water broke, awaking me from my sleep. Abe was already up getting ready for work. I got up and told him I thought my water had broken but was not having any contractions. I told him to go ahead and go to work and I would call him after I spoke with my midwife. Because it was so early I thought I would wait a bit before calling anyone. I went back to bed for another 45 minutes. At 6:30 I decided to get up and start getting dressed for work. I was not sure at that point what the midwife was going to say or do. I figured she may just tell me to go about my day until I start having contractions. (I can't believe I was actually considering going to work!)

Around 7am I called Jean, my midwife. She was not on-call and she told me I would need to go in at 9am to see Betty. In the mean time she instructed me to pump with my breast-pump and take a walk around the neighborhood to get my contractions going. I called Abe and told him the plan, so he headed home. I called my mother, who headed our direction so she could help out with Dylan. We got all our stuff together and by that time it was almost time for my appointment. I had not had time to pump or walk yet.

We arrived at the birthing center and went right in to see Betty. Still no contractions but I was dilated to a 3. We unloaded our things in the large room with the birthing tub.

Betty had me pump for 30 minutes and then take a 30-45 minute walk around outside. I began pumping and Candice (the midwife in training) checked the baby's heart rate. During this time, my mother showed up.

Abe and I went for a walk around TWU's campus, which is right across the street from the birthing center. So far it continued to be a rainy, overcast day. While I was pumping I began having mild contractions. During our walk they strengthened. Before going back we walked to the gas station next door to get something to drink. I was craving a Gatorade. After we arrived back at the birthing center, my doula, Mary showed up. After Candice, checked the baby's heart rate again I decided to pump for another 20 minutes. My contractions had started to taper off and we wanted to keep them going.

This time around the contractions were much stronger. Abe, Mary and myself went on an hour walk around TWU again. It was beginning to warm up outside. Still cloudy but no need for an umbrella this time around.

This walk really got my contractions going. They were strengthening and getting much closer together. I began to have to stop and rest during the contractions. I wondered what the students walking around on campus were thinking.

We were on the last stretch back to the birthing center and I had doubts we were going to make it back. It felt as though my contractions were right on top of each other and very intense. As we walked, I kept looking at the birthing center and thinking we are almost there. At one point we saw a man driving around on a golf cart. I seriously thought about flagging him down.

Finally, we made it back at 1pm. Candice checked the baby's heart rate again. Just perfect. Betty checked to see how far I had dilated and at that point I was 5cm. I was a little disappointed. I thought surly I would be farther along with how fast my contractions were coming. Also, while she checked me I had to lie down in bed. I began having a contraction and it was horrible. I thought, what a horrible way to have to labor. No wonder so many women have a hard time at hospitals, being confined to a bed. I sat up and immediately felt better. Now, don't get me wrong. The contraction still hurt but I was amazed at how much relief I got just from sitting up.
They asked if I wanted to get in the birthing tub to relax and I quickly took them up on that offer.

It is such a huge tub it took a good 20-30 minutes to fill it up with water. I changed clothes and labored holding onto Abe and then in a squatting type position on the floor, resting on a birthing ball. Candice, massaged a pain relieving pressure point on my hand. It helped some but I couldn't wait to get in the water. My contractions were getting really intense and I was having a lot of back pain.

The tub was finally ready and Abe helped me get in. I felt immediate relief. It was like a drug. So many people do not understand why anyone would want to have a drug free delivery but I don't think they understand how many different things you can do to relieve the pain. Of course it does not take it away completely but it helps quit a bit. Abe and Candice took turns massaging my back during the contractions because of the pain I was having.
My contractions were very intense but the environment was so relaxing. The lights were dimmed. Candles were lit. Enya was playing softly in the CD player. So relaxing I felt like I was drifting off to sleep between each contraction.
After about 30 minutes in the tub I felt a very sudden need to push. It lasted through a couple of contractions and they told me I was ready to push. I had not planned on having a water birth but that is were I ended up when the time came and did not feel up to getting out of the tub. I leaned back and pushed during the next couple of contractions. It is sort of amusing thinking about the audience I had around the tub. I had Abe, Betty, Candice, Mary, Lynn (the birthing assistant) and a birthing assistant in training all lined up along the tub cheering me on. It was actually quit funny and I wish I had a picture to capture that moment.
Candice checked the baby's heart rate after each contraction. At one point I thought the heart rate sounded slower and I asked how the baby was. Betty said the baby was okay but I needed to try to get the baby out on the next push or I would need to get out of the tub. I thought to myself, "Is she crazy! How in the world does she think I am going to be capable of getting out of this tub right now!" Maybe her intent was to give me motivation or maybe she really meant it but regardless it worked. I got the baby out with the next contraction. I was told I only pushed for 7 minutes.
Abe and Candice reached down to grab the baby as it came out. They put the baby on my tummy. I immediately looked down to find out the sex. I remember yelling out "It's a boy!"

He was very calm and quiet at first (which most babies born in the water are).

Then he began crying. The first cry of a baby is one of the most beautiful sounds. They Miles out of the water and gave him to Abe. I was helped out of the tub to get in the bed and deliver the placenta.
Because my labored progressed so quickly we didn't even call my Mom to tell her to get back to the birthing center. She had left with Dylan before we went on our second walk to take Dylan to lunch. Abe called her and told her Miles had arrived at 2:02pm. They hurried back to the birthing center.

Dylan came in and saw her new baby brother for the first time. She was so excited.

Candice did Miles's first exam on the bed next to me. He weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long.

I breastfed him within the first 30 minutes to an hour after his birth. After a few tries he latch on perfectly.

Dylan got to hold her baby brother for the first time

and Nana got to hold her first grandson for the first time.

After a couple hours of monitoring I was getting anxious to go home. There is nothing like taking a shower in your own bathroom and getting into your own bed. We headed home about 2 1/2 hours later with our new baby boy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our Cats Have a New Home

and it is called, outside. Our (my) two cats, Sydney and Asia, have been kicked out of the house and now live outside. It sounds harsh, I know; but they have gone crazy. It all began sometime during my pregnancy. Asia, began spraying in our house. I thought she was just upset because we had moved the litter box around a few times, rearranging the house for our new family member. So I tried to be patient but it continued. I took her to the vet where they said she had a UTI and we treated her for it. Yay, I thought, problem solved!

Well, as you can probably guess it continued. Even worse she began having diarrhea. Not in just one spot but I guess she would freak out when it happened and she would run all over the house. Talk about a huge mess to clean up. This happened multiple times, so I took a sample of her poop to her vet to make sure we were not dealing with an infection. NEGATIVE. I was told it appeared to be a behavioural issue. During this time we had installed a cat door and moved their litter box in the garage. Being that I love my cats dearly I still tried to remain patient with them. I realize cats are creatures of habit and there had been a lot of changes around here lately.

Well, I'm not sure when it occured but at some point my other cat, Sydney, began spraying in the house as well. Then the neighborhood cats began coming around more (assuming it was because of the litter box in the garage) and spraying near our garage. All of a sudden it was like we were in this never ending cycle!!!! For a week or so I had already come to terms with the fact I may need to find them a new home. Then one morning I got up, already tired, from being up with an infant and a 3 1/2 old only to find poop all over the house again. That was it. I had had it!!! From that moment on the cats moved to their new home, outside. And unless I am able to find them a nice home to go to this is probably where they will remain.

Now before anyone judges me (because that has already happened) I have tried to find a nice shelter that adopts animals out. I will not take them to one that euthanizes animals. I haven't found one yet that will take surrendered animals from individuals other than SPCA but their space is very limited. I haven't abandoned that option yet. I was told by one organization that I did not love my cats or I would not be trying to put them in a shelter. She also said that I wouldn't find my kids a new home if they started peeing around the house. (I'm just going to be nice and not comment on that.)

So, if anyone reading this has any ideas or know someone who is wanting a cat or two please let me know.

SYDNEY (6yrs old)
ASIA (5 yrs old)

Dylan playing in the leaves.

Also next week, we will finally get rid of the horrible ugly blue tarp on the roof of our house. (I know our neighbors will be happy as well.) It has only been there for a month or so when our skylight began leaking again. We really lucked out this time. We decided to file a claim with our insurance co. and they approved for us to get our 20 year old roof replaced. So next Tuesday we will have a new roof and new skylights and no more leaking! Next week I will post some before and after pics.
Miles update: He is growing like a weed. He is five weeks old. I can't believe next week I will be half way through my maternity leave. It is going way to fast. He will have his first visit with his pedi the first of December. I can't wait to see what he weighs. He is beginning to get little rolls on his thighs. I love it. Mama's milk sure does a baby good! He also began smiling some this week. He was really smiling at Dylan earlier today. She was thrilled.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Introducing Miles Gabriel

Here I am, arriving at the birthing center a few hours after my water broke at home. I do not have the pictures back from the birth yet, but when I do I will post Miles's birth story. He was born on Oct 14th at 2:02 pm. He was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long. We went home at 5:30pm, that afternoon (it was great to be home in my own environment). We are sooooo excited to have been blessed with a healthy baby boy!Big sister Dylan and Miles

What a sweet baby!

Miles's birth was wonderful. It went really fast and my recovery, so far, has been much faster than with Dylan. Breastfeeding got off to a much better start than with Dylan. We have had a few difficult nights and days, when Miles suddenly decided he forgot how to nurse, but we made it past that obstacle. Overall everything, this time around, has been easier. My only guess is I know much more this time and of course he is a different baby with a different temperament.
Big sister, is adjusting well. She adores her brother. Dylan is constantly wanting to hug and kiss him. There have been a few jealous moments but not near what I was anticipating. I have continued to take her to her "big girl" school twice a week and the other days she hangs out with me and her brother.
We had many visitors during the first couple of weeks. Thanks to all of you for helping out with Dylan, cooking for us, cleaning our house.....the list could go on and on. All your help was greatly appreciated.
I'll post Miles's birth story as soon as I get my pictures from Mary (my doula).

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nursery and More

One of my patients gave me two hats since we do not know the sex. She is the cutest and sweetest little lady. One day she told me she hoped I was having twins so she could take one of the baby's home!!

The baby's room is a little plain right now. We are buying bedding after the baby is born. We (well, Abe) painted it a very nice light blue and the wood paneling is called Cream in My Coffee. We kept all of Dylan's baby stuff so we have not had to buy much of anything.

I love this room now! I feel like we have added on an entire extra room. Some of you may remember, we had Abe's brother's pool table in this upstairs space and it took up the entire room. We finally moved it out and we were able to make an entire 2nd living area. It is so open. It will be a great place for us to hang out.
Nana and Maw Maw came to visit today. Dylan loves playing with Nana.
Thanks Mom and Maw Maw for helping me clean house today!!! It was very much appreciated. I have a clean house now. I got an hour pregnancy massage this morning and it was great. I am officially ready for this baby to get here.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend stuff

Weekends really go by way to fast. Saturday, Dylan woke us all up early, 6 something. I met Tobi and Edie for lunch at Olive Garden. It was delicious! We had a mini baby shower. It was just perfect with my two best friends. Thanks girls! They got me some much needed, practical items. The only thing I was disappointed in was my cake. I ordered and picked up a small cake in Denton because I love Candy Haven. I don't love all their cakes just their chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. Well, after lunch, we sliced into the cake to realize it was white not chocolate!!! Talk about being disappointed. I had been looking forward to that cake for days. They will be hearing from me tomorrow.

Saturday night, Abe and I went to the Cowboys' game. Thanks to our friends Gary and Shelley who were able to babysit last minute I was able to go. I really wanted to see that new stadium. That may have been my only opportunity to go because everything is so expensive! I didn't get any pictures because I wasn't sure how much walking we would do and did not want to carry my camera around. Good thing because we had to park a pretty good ways a way. We rode with a couple of Abe's friends and they were so worried I was going to go into labor from all the walking.

Yummy, I made Sunday brunch. (Eggs Benedict and a fruit salad)

Dylan playing with her house.We made a sign for the cats, because they wanted to play in the house also. Abe working on the baby's room.
Sydney relaxing in the baby's room.
Our other Sunday activities included the usual grocery shopping and cleaning house. We went to the Life Teen mass at church and had dinner at Chili's afterwards. We had a great weekend. Just wish I had one more day off!