Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our Cats Have a New Home

and it is called, outside. Our (my) two cats, Sydney and Asia, have been kicked out of the house and now live outside. It sounds harsh, I know; but they have gone crazy. It all began sometime during my pregnancy. Asia, began spraying in our house. I thought she was just upset because we had moved the litter box around a few times, rearranging the house for our new family member. So I tried to be patient but it continued. I took her to the vet where they said she had a UTI and we treated her for it. Yay, I thought, problem solved!

Well, as you can probably guess it continued. Even worse she began having diarrhea. Not in just one spot but I guess she would freak out when it happened and she would run all over the house. Talk about a huge mess to clean up. This happened multiple times, so I took a sample of her poop to her vet to make sure we were not dealing with an infection. NEGATIVE. I was told it appeared to be a behavioural issue. During this time we had installed a cat door and moved their litter box in the garage. Being that I love my cats dearly I still tried to remain patient with them. I realize cats are creatures of habit and there had been a lot of changes around here lately.

Well, I'm not sure when it occured but at some point my other cat, Sydney, began spraying in the house as well. Then the neighborhood cats began coming around more (assuming it was because of the litter box in the garage) and spraying near our garage. All of a sudden it was like we were in this never ending cycle!!!! For a week or so I had already come to terms with the fact I may need to find them a new home. Then one morning I got up, already tired, from being up with an infant and a 3 1/2 old only to find poop all over the house again. That was it. I had had it!!! From that moment on the cats moved to their new home, outside. And unless I am able to find them a nice home to go to this is probably where they will remain.

Now before anyone judges me (because that has already happened) I have tried to find a nice shelter that adopts animals out. I will not take them to one that euthanizes animals. I haven't found one yet that will take surrendered animals from individuals other than SPCA but their space is very limited. I haven't abandoned that option yet. I was told by one organization that I did not love my cats or I would not be trying to put them in a shelter. She also said that I wouldn't find my kids a new home if they started peeing around the house. (I'm just going to be nice and not comment on that.)

So, if anyone reading this has any ideas or know someone who is wanting a cat or two please let me know.

SYDNEY (6yrs old)
ASIA (5 yrs old)

Dylan playing in the leaves.

Also next week, we will finally get rid of the horrible ugly blue tarp on the roof of our house. (I know our neighbors will be happy as well.) It has only been there for a month or so when our skylight began leaking again. We really lucked out this time. We decided to file a claim with our insurance co. and they approved for us to get our 20 year old roof replaced. So next Tuesday we will have a new roof and new skylights and no more leaking! Next week I will post some before and after pics.
Miles update: He is growing like a weed. He is five weeks old. I can't believe next week I will be half way through my maternity leave. It is going way to fast. He will have his first visit with his pedi the first of December. I can't wait to see what he weighs. He is beginning to get little rolls on his thighs. I love it. Mama's milk sure does a baby good! He also began smiling some this week. He was really smiling at Dylan earlier today. She was thrilled.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Introducing Miles Gabriel

Here I am, arriving at the birthing center a few hours after my water broke at home. I do not have the pictures back from the birth yet, but when I do I will post Miles's birth story. He was born on Oct 14th at 2:02 pm. He was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long. We went home at 5:30pm, that afternoon (it was great to be home in my own environment). We are sooooo excited to have been blessed with a healthy baby boy!Big sister Dylan and Miles

What a sweet baby!

Miles's birth was wonderful. It went really fast and my recovery, so far, has been much faster than with Dylan. Breastfeeding got off to a much better start than with Dylan. We have had a few difficult nights and days, when Miles suddenly decided he forgot how to nurse, but we made it past that obstacle. Overall everything, this time around, has been easier. My only guess is I know much more this time and of course he is a different baby with a different temperament.
Big sister, is adjusting well. She adores her brother. Dylan is constantly wanting to hug and kiss him. There have been a few jealous moments but not near what I was anticipating. I have continued to take her to her "big girl" school twice a week and the other days she hangs out with me and her brother.
We had many visitors during the first couple of weeks. Thanks to all of you for helping out with Dylan, cooking for us, cleaning our house.....the list could go on and on. All your help was greatly appreciated.
I'll post Miles's birth story as soon as I get my pictures from Mary (my doula).