Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Must See Documentary

I highly recommend seeing this documentary. I don't know how I missed hearing about it since it has been out since 2008 and I am constantly reading about food and the food industry. For those who have never spent any time researching where their food comes from it can be a real eye opener.

I think the biggest misconception is people think the food they purchase at the grocery store or restaurant is safe; otherwise, our government would not allow it to be put on the shelves and bought by the consumer. WRONG! This is so far from the truth. Most of our food (unless you buy organic or research the company you're buying from) is filled with antibiotics, steroids, pesticides, numerous chemicals and other artificial additives.

My hope is that people will open their eyes to this scary truth, do their research and start making better food choices.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Quick Update

Ok, I know I have been horrible about blogging lately but I do have a good excuse. It is called a toddler and a 4 month old. I went back to work about 1 month ago and became busier than I ever though I could be. My day begins no later than 5:30am (sometimes earlier, if Miles decides his day needs to begin before then) and I am basically non-stop until I go to bed. I have more sleep deprivation now than I did when Miles was first born. I think the only thing or things that gets me through it is knowing that it will not always be this way, his smile and coffee.

Miles had his 4 month checkup the other day and is doing great. He is 14 lbs and 10 oz, 26 inches long. His doctor wanted to know what I was feeding him and I proudly responded "all breastmilk". He rolled over last night for the first time. Big Sister was cheering him on. He realized last week that he has feet and loves to play with them. He also out grew his baby tub and has been taking a bath with his sister. They both love that.

Dylan is growing into such a "big girl". Where did my baby go!! She likes her school and goes to ballet class on Saturdays. It is so much fun watching all the little girls run around in their little tutu's.

We have a busy few months ahead of us. We have two trips planned. One to Hot Springs, AR with Mom and Tommy. And then to Florida for my cousin, Hillary's, wedding. My sister is getting married in May, so I'll be busy helping out with wedding stuff.

I'll try to post some recent pics soon.