Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dylan's Birth Story

When I first started this blog I was trying to decide where to begin. Do I jump back 3 years ago when Abe and I got married, 1 year ago when Dylan turned one or just pick up where my life is now. I wanted my first blog to be about a very special, very memorable, very defining moment in my life; the day my daughter was born and I became a mother.

Because when I had her I was still using my 35mm camera (more like refusing to go digital) I had to scan my pictures into the computer. I finally found time to do that and can blog about her birth. Let me also add that I have since then converted to a digital camera and love it!

The idea of delivering at a birthing center with a midwife always intrigued me. Once I became pregnant I began researching my options. The moment I toured the birthing center, met with the midwife and asked her my zillions of questions I knew it was the place for me.

The idea of a drug free delivery did not scare me at all. A good friend of mine, Cheryl said "It's pain with a purpose." That comment has always stayed with me. I wanted to be as present as possible during her birth. By that I mean, I wanted to feel everything and not miss out on the complete experience. I trusted my body to do what is was naturally made to do without intervention.

Wanting a drug free delivery was not the only reason I chose a birthing center. I truly believe the more interventions you have, only leads to more interventions that could have otherwise been prevented. I do not like the way our medical community views birth. They treat it like an illness instead of a natural process that women have been doing for ages.

There are many things routinely done in the hospital I did not want. I knew if I opted for a hospital delivery I would have to be very vocal about my wishes, maybe to the point of pissing (for lack of a better word) off the staff. Although I feel they should respect any mother's wishes I do understand there are protocols and hospital policies. I felt it would be better for all if I just chose another place to deliver. One that allowed me to design my own birth plan and give me the support I needed to carry that out.

Now I do not want anyone reading this to think I am anti-technology. That is not the case at all. I am very grateful for the medical advances we have to help pregnant women considered high-risk. It is very necessary in some cases. I just believe that for healthy women with healthy pregnancies, less intervention is better.

Most people do not know this but our country has one of the highest infant and mother mortality rates. Why is that if we have all this wonderful technology to offer women giving birth? Hmmm, maybe we are not doing something right.

I really did not mean to go off on such a tangent! This is just something I feel very strongly about.

Okay, finally here are some pictures of Dylan's birth. My sister, Tami drove in to take the pictures. The only people at her birth were Abe, Tami, my midwife and a birthing assistant.

This picture was taken about a week or two before her birth. The birthing center is located in Denton about 5 miles from my house.

There are two birthing rooms. Since I was the only mama in labor at that time I was able to choose with room I wanted. I chose the one with the birthing tub, just in case I felt like getting in for comfort or having a water birth.

I began having contractions around 5pm but it did not occur to me I was in labor until around 9 or 10pm when I called my midwife and told her what was going on. She confirmed I was in labor and to call her when my contractions were around 5 minutes apart.

Abe (working the evening shift at that time) just got home from work. I sent him on an errand on his way home to pick up some Cookie Crisp cereal (I craved it my entire pregnancy). By the time he got there I no longer had an appetite. My contractions were not that bad, just strong enough to make me stop what I was doing and unable to concentrate on anything else. I was trying to watch the season finale of Lost. That was not working out. Luckily we had TIVO.

We filled up our jacuzzi bathtub and I got in to relax. That helped a lot. Abe timed my contractions and when they were every 3-5 minutes (two hours later) we headed to the birthing center. When we arrived at the birthing center I was already 7 cm dilated. Hallelujah! I kept thinking on the way to the birthing center, it we get there and she says I am only 3 cm, I don't know what I'm going to do!

The pain from the contractions came and went but I had back pain the entire time. Abe constantly massaged my back. I did most of my laboring sitting on a birthing ball.

I was not connected to an IV or a continuous fetal monitor, so I was able to move about freely.

My midwife was in the room with us almost the entire time. Here she is checking Dylan's heart rate with a Doppler.

Abe was able to help "catch" Dylan as she was born. I was not sure if he really would do it but the moment was so exciting and fast he just reached down and grabbed her! She was born at 4:10 am.

Dylan having her first newborn exam by my midwife.

7lbs 10 oz, 20 1/2 inches long

Breastfeeding for the first time. We started breastfeeding within the first hour after delivery.

Hello world.

Once I felt up to it we were discharged from the birthing center. We were headed home 2 hours after I had Dylan. My midwife and birthing assistant came to the house a couple of days later to do a home visit.
My entire pregnancy, birth and just being a mother has been the greatest experience of my life, thus far. I cannot wait to do it again!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Skinny B*tch

Has anyone read this book, Skinny Bitch? I first heard about it from my cousin, Caroline and decided a month ago to read it. For those of you who are not familiar with the book it is written by two vegan women, Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.

It is basically about being educated about the food you eat. What crap to avoid and why. Why meat and dairy is not meant for human consumption. How not to trust the government to make sure the food being sold to us is safe. The book is very to the point, does not sugar coat anything and is rather humorous.

I have always been, what I consider, a healthy eater. I cook healthy at home. We rarely eat out. I would say 85% of the groceries I buy are organic. We even buy our meat from a local co-op to ensure what we are eating is free-range and without added hormones or antibiotics. Even after all this I still felt motivated by the book to eat even healthier.

I have always joked about becoming a vegetarian but was never serious about it. I have never been a huge meat eater and I have always thought there is something wrong and weird about humans drinking cow's milk. What motivated me the most in the book was a chapter about how the animals are treated and intentionally abused. It really was sickening to read. So a month later, after reading Skinny Bitch, I have only eaten meat 3 times and have drastically cut back on dairy products.

Do I consider myself a vegetarian now? No not really, at least not yet. I don't want to tell myself I cannot have something at all, ever. Sometimes a Chili's Swiss and Mushroom burger is a must! I do not plan to give up fish or eggs (but I only buy organic free-range). Not sure about dairy yet. I do not have a problem not drinking milk but I love cheese! I don't know if it is psychological or what but I sure have felt healthier this past month.

I encourage you to read this book. Not to persuade you to make such drastic changes has becoming a vegetarian but to educate yourself about the food you are putting into your body, what is in those foods and where those foods come from. If you get nothing from the book, you will at least laugh. I'm telling you Skinny Bitch is not only informative but funny as well.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Beach House Bungalow

On our way to Florida! Dylan's 2nd plane ride.

This was an all girls trip that included myself, Dylan, Tami (my sister), Eva (my Mom), Maw Maw (the one who started this family), Aunt Jeanette, cousin Caroline, Aunt Dorothy and cousin Hillary.

On our way to the beach house and the rental car breaks down! It is overcast and looks like it will rain any minute. Lucky for us it did not. Two hours later we have a new rental car. What a long day.

View of the ocean from the porch of the beach house.
View of beach house from the beach.

We would walk along the beach after dark watching for sea turtles. They come up onto the beach and lay their eggs. You can only approach them when they are actually laying the eggs because they are in sort of a trance and do not realize you are there. If they hear you or see any light (flashlights, porch lights) any sooner they will get scared and return to the ocean, without laying their eggs.

Dylan and I hanging out on the beach.

Me, Mom, Tami and Dylan

I'm not sure who Dylan is waving at.

Maw Maw trying to relax in the sun and not think too much about her cows back home.

Happy Hour!

We had dinner one night at a seafood restaurant on the water. The dinner was awesome. Tami and I shared Feta crusted salmon. Yummy!

Tami soaking in some sun.

Dylan knocking down sand castles. ------------->

Me, Tami, Caroline and Hillary

My little suffer girl.

Our last morning in Florida. What a breathtaking view. While everyone was still asleep I went out to the porch to take a view pictures and capture the moment. I spotted a couple of dolphin swimming not far from the beach.

Dylan exhausted on the plane trip home.

I am so glad we were able to take this all girls family trip together. With all of our busy lives it seems we only get to see each other for a few short hours at holiday gatherings and even then they seem so rushed. It was so much fun just hanging out, talking, eating, drinking and catching up. I hope we can do this again some day.